I recently took inventory of all the different areas of my life single-use plastic has infiltrated. Spoiler alert: it's everywhere. From my morning routine to my kids' lunch boxes, nearly every product in my house was either made of...
In case you somehow missed it, we have another streaming service to add to our menu of binging options. Disney unveiled its new platform Disney+, which allows us fingertip access to hundreds of big-name movies and shows from Disney...
Prior to moving to Madrid from Cedar Rapids, our family lived in a two-story colonial style home with a fenced-in backyard. I loved our home and it was perfect for our family of four. It was just the right...
The ants go marching one by one...
I hate insects. I really do. I can be ever-so-slightly dramatic when I spot them inside my home. So when everyone begins to bask in the glow of sunshine and warm temperatures, I...
To me, cooking is–meh–just OK. I don’t love it; I don’t hate it. I am certainly no chef, but there are a handful of go-to meals that I enjoy cooking. I am a Type A planner and list-maker, however,...
Spring is here. And the attic noises have returned.
Our family is fortunate that we moved into our own home nearly two years ago. Before then, we took full advantage of being able to report any and all issues to...
Reducing your carbon footprint doesn’t have to be expensive or inconvenient. With Earth Day on April 22nd let’s challenge ourselves to make meaningful changes to benefit our family, our community and our world. It can be big or small....
Updated March 7, 2021
Are you considering a move to the Iowa City area? Are you already a resident of this fabulous place and planning a move to a new area of town?
With the help of The Bails Team at...
Updated April 12, 2023
Are you considering a move to (or within) the Iowa City area? We may be biased, but you're about to be a resident of one of the best places to live, work, and raise a family!
Updated April 12, 2023
You want to sell your house, and you want to sell it fast. So how can it be done without spending a bunch of money on home improvements and staging? Try these 5 tips from a...