It’s that time of year when fish sticks are starting to be everywhere at the grocery store – the start of Lent, when lots of Christians give up meat on Fridays. Even if observing Lent is not part of...
“Don’t touch that!” “That’s not for you!” “Not in your mouth!” These are things that I rather frantically told my very independent and also food-allergic toddler when I brought her to a “Family Fun Night” event at my oldest child’s elementary school...
It all started with the fatigue. Then the depression set in, then hives, and the inflammation. I had gained 20 pounds in less than three weeks, even while struggling through a bout of stomach flu. Something was wrong. My body wasn’t happy. I...
If you are like me, towards the beginning of every year you decide it is time to clean out the over-stuffed closets in your home. While that may sound like a very simple task, I can tell you personally...

Fit Fanatic Gift Guide

Looking for the perfect gift for the fitness fanatic in your life? Here are my top 10 gift picks that any athlete would love.       1. Athleta Athleta clothing is in a word phenomenal. Not only do they carry fitness clothing, but they...
Tis' the season once again! This time of year is such a physical and emotional roller coaster for many of us. All of the food, parties, shopping, and family commitments can really take a toll on our bodies and...
Ashley Smalley, MS, RD, LD, Dietician, Mercy Hospital When you're pregnant, you need to eat the right foods. After all, you're supporting a growing life. During pregnancy you'll need lots of extras. That includes extra protein, iron, calcium and folic acid. You’ll...

My 3-Mile Journey

My internal alarm clock went off right at 7:00am on the dot and I woke to a crisp, cool (almost too cool) October morning.  I made my way into my daughter’s room to get her up and ready for...
:: 2nd Annual ICMB Blogger Dash :: Well, another COLD 5K  is in the books!  We promise, we did not intend for Blogger Dash to be freezing (literally) every year, but it looks like we may be setting a trend! ...
For three months I faked it. I smiled, went to work, played with the kids, visited with friends, went to football games and spent quiet nights binge-watching House of Cards with my hubby. My life was blessed, I had everything I ever...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!